
LXSplit - fractionner et recomposer les fichiers

Téléchargez LX Split
Après décompression placez vous dans la répértoire de LX Split
et tapez :
make  (pas de " ./configure " )
make install

Après l'installation la commande lxsplit est disponible :
# lxsplit
LXSplit for Linux and Free-/OpenBSD version 0.1.1.
By Richard Stellingwerff.

Usage: lxsplit [OPTION] [FILE] [SPLITSIZE]

Available options are -s(plit) and -j(oin)
Splitsize examples: 15M, 5000k, 30000000b

Examples: lxsplit -s hugefile.bin 15M
lxsplit -j hugefile.bin.001
Exemple :
scinder le film Untold_Scandal.avi en pièces de 100 Mo

# lxsplit -s Untold_Scandal.avi 100M
Splitting Untold_Scandal.avi into 7 pieces.
Untold_Scandal.avi.001 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.002 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.003 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.004 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.005 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.006 104857600 bytes
Untold_Scandal.avi.007 104071168 bytes
et pour l'unifier

# lxsplit -j Untold_Scandal.avi.001
Creating merged file `Untold_Scandal.avi`.
Complete size: 733216768 in 7 files.
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.001'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.002'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.003'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.004'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.005'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.006'...
Processing file `Untold_Scandal.avi.007'...


Pour avoir le GUI (=Graphical User Interface) pour LXSplit:
(même procedure d'installation)